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What Should I Expect After My Ankle Ligament Surgery?

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Your doctor has advised you an ankle ligament surgery, and your mind is full of doubts and queries like how will be the recovery, will I be able to walk like before, when will the pain get relieved, etc.

Here we have answered some most commonly asked questions regarding the recovery after an Ankle Ligament Surgery:

How long might it take to recover from ankle surgery?

Recovery depends on the extent of the injury and the type of surgery. You may recover after a minor procedure within 6 to 8 weeks. However, it may take a couple of months to recover from major surgery.

When can I bear weight on my ankle?

Again, this depends on the type of surgery done. In a few cases, you can bear weight on your leg with a boot walker after the surgery. However, it may take a couple of weeks before the ligament has healed enough to allow weight-bearing.

Can I drive after ankle ligament surgery?

You can drive only in one condition- surgery was done on your left foot, and you have an automatic car. Other than this, you will need somebody to drive you till you recover. You must also be off all of your pain medications before you can drive.

How can I manage pain after ankle surgery?

The surgeon prescribes pain medication to be taken for a few days after the ankle surgery. Always take the advised medications on time and in the correct dosage. The pain from the surgery usually gets better over the first 4-6 weeks after the procedure. You may talk to your doctor in case you feel the need to continue the pain killers for a few more days. Always inform your doctor or physiotherapist if your pain is not reducing or becoming worse.

How can I manage swelling after ankle surgery?

Keeping the ankle raised as much as possible helps in preventing the fluid retention and swelling around the ankle joint. Even while lying down, keep your foot at least 6 inches above your heart level. If you had a minor surgery you may not need to elevate your foot as much. However, if you had major surgery, it is very important to keep the foot elevated most of the time.

What can I do to speed up the recovery?

Many factors may contribute to faster recovery like-

  • Take ample rest
  • Eat a nutritious diet
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Do not remove the dressing, cast or boot
  • Do not wet your operated ankle
  • Always go for follow up visits with your surgeon and physiotherapist

Cold compression therapy is also an effective way to speed up the healing of the tissues by controlling the body’s inflammatory response. It helps in reducing the pain, swelling, and inflammation after the surgery.

How important is physical therapy for regaining the joint movement after the surgery?

Physical therapy plays an important role in recovering from ankle surgery. It helps you regain range of motion, flexibility, and strength. It also helps in preventing stiffness and chronic ankle issues.

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